Friday, September 21, 2007

Tommorow's my grandma's 80th surprise birthday party. Hehehe. Should be fun. My whole entire family will be there. Even cousins I haven't seen in years. Interesting. I am sure I'll have pictures for you all by Sunday.
Christy called me today and that made me happy. Haha. Last week I left a phychotic message on her answering machine. Good times.
Ohhhhh there's a radish.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Picture Update

Pretty Flower that was in my back yard but is now in Adair's house...
Adair and Emily...yep. At a float making meeting.
Emily and Whitney
Kevin paper macheing
More paper macheing
Almost everyone blowing up balloons. Yea.
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Balloon fun.
And pizza.
Whitney being scary.
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Dangerous happy stapeler killers. hahaha.
The day of the parade. I never actually got a picture of the ice cream sundae or trophie...
Freaky clouds.
Ha, there ya go Brandon. I think Whitney took this. So credit to her.
Me...I look kinda normal.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This Week

This week has been SO fun so far. I love being with everyone from Student Leadership. It's like a secound family for me. I love the laughter, the randomness, the hugs, the random bursts of song, just being together. It's something I can't describe. Not one of the pictures I have taken can truely describe it.

Last Friday was our first float making thing. I basicly cut pieces of crepe paper with Adair and smashed paper bags with Dustin, Jeff, and I think Brandon. (That's a great way to get frustration out.
Saturday was the popcorn fest where I was with Adair and Em for most of the time parking cars and watching balloons that people couldn't grasp well. Oh and a large bug trying to cross the street.... and then it was hit by a car. =(

Sunday was church. It was really good. I must admit, it is very hard to not miss VCC but I know this is God thing. It feels right. And how could I not miss a church that I went to for the majority of my life?
Monday was the Powder Puff concessions thing. That was really fun but I was getting kinda sick. (Throat, Nose, Cold Symptoms.)

Tuesday I went to bed early. 8:30. It was amazing! I was in shock! I love sleeping early!
Wednesday (Yesterday) we had a float making day and that was so fun. People with stapelers frighten me.
This morning started off awesome with student leadership. I missed it! And then there was the parade and  a purse catastrophe.

I think this post is more for my Mom because most of you all know this. hehe. I am hyper. And happy that we are all getting back into the swing of things. I missed it SOOOOOO much. I don't think anyone knows how much. This summer I went crazy not seeing my brothers and sisters in Christ every day. I am back! I am normal again! (Noelle-normal)
The end.

***Three days Until Kick off!***

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I have had a GREAT day today. I don't know why but I am in the most incredible mood. I'm being optimistic for once. I feel like I've been in a deep hole of... I don't even know. I was just having an incredibly long pity party. It was not a fun party.

But God loves me, and I know all you love me, and there is a reason for me to get up in the morning. To live my life, to befriend the lost, to make my God proud. That's my goal. I want to please God. I want to glorify his name. I want to help people who don't know him. I want to give what I don't need. AHH  I am just feeling awesome.

Edit: Oh, and I am SO ready for Fall. I love Fall. & I love Christmas. It's just great. I can't wait. 19 days until Wisconsin Dells! 24 days until Turkey Run! (I think) I feel FREE! Like I did in Fall of 2005.

Edit #2: I loved Fall of 2005. That was a good season.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Picture Update!

Picture Update!

My Last Summer Campus Life

I miss Jillian. 

Pretty sunset, though. 

Random butterfly Viv and I found at some rest stop in Indiana. It landed on Viv at one point. 


I forget where this was...

I was finally reunited with my weird Florida cat, Toby. I miss that thing. 

The streets of downtown Jacksonville.

A funny book Vivvian checked out. My favorite one was, "Big cows glaring. Be brave." hehehe. 

Nala is so pretty. 

Viv loves randomly tackling Caleb.

At the beach. 

Torturing her cats: Viv's hobby. 

Georgia. It was pretty.



Longhorn Steakhouse

Longhorn Steakhouses

I look alright. Toby looks insane. 

I was warmly welcomed home by Kevin and Klarc in their box material garb. hehe. 

Kevin's birthday party.


Adair and I had fun. Hahaha. 

"Sachamo" liked his strangely wrapped gift. 

The courtyard in the hotel we stayed at last weekend. 


This sign looks stupid now with the ads....ugh. 

I miss you Viv. The ostriches miss you too!

Crazy villian from the show.