The highlight of January was when I went to Wisconsin with two of my Indiana best friends for my birthday. Not much else happened that month! haha,
We ate breakfast at my favorite restaurant in Kenosha, WI! Perkins! I love their French Toast.
Whitney was appalled at the wondrous taste of her biscuits and gravy!
We went to Lake Geneva! It was soo windy down by the lake. :)
We ate dinner at my favorite (but expensive) restaurant in Lake Geneva, Sprechers. It's so pretty inside and the food is always so, so good!
After that we went to Woodman's and got some cheese!
After that we went back to the hotel and had my birthday cake!
The next day before we went back home to IN we went to my favorite church in Park Ridge and then went out for pizza with a few of my friends.
We took pictures at the prime photo spot in Chicago- The Bean.

We decided to observe the ice skaters.
We even observed a marriage proposal!! (The couple in the gray and black jackets)
Last stop was Magnolia Bakery. Don't remember what we got..but it was delicious. It was such a great birthday!
In February I spent a lot of time in Wisconsin, drinking coffee and playing with the kids I baby-sat.
A frosted window at my friend Callie's house.
This was about a month after Callie and Pat got their bearded dragon, Charmander. He's so cute!
Had great memories made with my three little friends!
There's all that coffee I was telling you about.
Oh, and Adair, Kev, and I celebrated our year anniversary of being Dunkin Donut's Weds night regulars!
Laila and I went to the Winter Festival in Lake Geneva
We actually went to Lake Geneva a lot! (Emma came too!)I practiced with my tamron 70-300mm lens. It was awesome.
This was taken the first day I got the lens!
And this cat is garbage..named garbage because it liked to hang around garbage cans. (Yes, that was a The Office reference)
This is Lake Michigan by Kenosha..the water was so weird..almost creepy!
and finally, one of my favorites!
I found these cats, who were clearly plotting against me!
Heather (my old boss and forever friend) gave me this car and it turned out to be a tremendous blessing because of the accident I got in in my Dad's colbalt.
I took Heather;s kids to Valplayso once it started to get warmer.
And I played with the little ones in the snow when the temp dropped again!
I captured this sunset with the new tripod Callie and Pat gave me.
Met Laila in Kenosha. :)
Drove random places with Shannah
Finally got this picture of a cardinal!
This was taken at my friend Darragh's Open mic night benefit. I am still obsessed with this picture!
And we took Vivvian to the frozen tundra of Lake Geneva. Floridians...
Aunt Julie, my cousin Sam, and her friend joined us on our trip!
I love sunsets on Geneva Lake.
It's a good place to grill out, haha!
At the farm we saw this peafowl on a jeep!
Samantha loves kitties.
My dad's relationship with his sisters make me want a brother!
Shannah and I found this doggie on the sidewalk when we were taking a stroll.

I took the boys to the riverwalk. We discovered science ;)
I introduced the boys to the Shrobster. They loved him, of course, and gave him candy!
We colored eggs together! It was nice to relive my childhood in the eyes of children!
Brandon joined Adair and me when we went sunset chasing!
It didn't last very long but it sure was beautiful!
:) The best friend approves. haha.
I got this awesome shot of the moon!
I met Callie and Pat downtown and we went to the Shedd Aquarium and ate at the corner bakery.

Some of my favorite nature pics in April.
And some more of my favorite kids! (Caden found a roly poly)