Ok, I was going to post this tommorow but Adair made a threat to tackle me with a spoon if I didn't post them tonight. Haha. No she didn't. I'm just really delirious right now.10 hours of sleep in 72 hours is not mentally healthy for me.
Well let's start:
The back of the van I was in. Luke, Emily 1, Emily 2
Luke...doing something...I forget why I took this picture. But it's still funny.
Hey, Adair it's not THOSE Reeses but they are still good. Hahahaha.
Ryan on the Kazoo.
These three were shocked because...
She won the McDonalds! Yea!
Amanda in her awesome McDonalds kid's meal glasses.
Uh...you can't see it very well but that was Brandon's first french fry in a long time.
Just random candid pictures.
Michael and Amanda.
Dustin and Luke in a weird angular view because I have this cool scrapbooking tool that makes Diagnol shapes. It's great.
More angualr things.
Hah I'm patting Lukes head.

The putting up of the tent.
Yea Fall colors!
People on Rocks.
Me. Tae. And the girl who's name escapes me at the moment.
Hahhahaha this is one of my favorites. I really don't know why Brandon randomly picked Michael up. Maybe he was wounded or something.
More people on rocks.
Lunch time.
Haha another favorite. Me and Jenny holding Bread.
Frisbees. I am so proud of myself I didn't get hit in the face by a frisbee or any other flying object in the air. One did almost hit my leg though.
Crystella and Kaitlyn playing that one game.
Getting ready to canoe. Hahah Dustin's face is hilarious there. Dan and Brittany are looking pretty normal compared to him.
Me. Having fun taking strange pictures of myself while I wait for it to be my turn to row.
Haha Brandon inspecting Tae's wound.
I dont know what Kevin's doing there. No clue.
Oh my the trees are balding.
Tae comforting Brandon because he can't eat popcorn.
My great new friend Crystella.
Kevin stomping on a cup.
Random candid pictures.
Me...I don't know.
The fire.
Only took that to see what time it was.
The fire again.
My tent before it got taken down.
My mismatched slippers. I had to throw the poor boys out cause they were so dirty. That's okay I have their twins somewhere in my house. Everyone was fond of the bunny.
Me and the Emilies.
Advertising for random drinks.
My awesome group leader.
Being bored braiding twizzlers.
The twizzler that I was going to keep forever. JimBobJoe. Emily, I hate to say it but I left him in the van! I can't cherish it forever!
Me and Emily 1! Yea!
And thats it. I have more but I'm much too lazy too post them I feel like I'm going to pass out.
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