Delta Goodrem released her new single today in Australia. I am so jealous of Australians... I want to be a stinken Aussie. But the weird thing is she had this new photoshoot and she looks REALLY weird. It made me spit the dummy (get very upset at something)! She doesn't look like herself. Her new song is good though. I listened to it Youtube. Midnight this time is 4 in the arvo (afternoon). That is too bad because there's a live chat with her tonight. Grr....
I hope my Boomer (kangaroo) doesn't get in a bingle (motor vehicle accident)! Today at lunch I was very hungry. I didn't eat brekkie in the morning (obvious). One day I wanna be a brickie (brick layer). I need some new Daks (trousers).
Okay, none of that is true. I don't even own a boomer and if I did I certainly wouldn't let it drive my car. Actually I didn't eat brekkie. But I don't wanna be a brickie. I have all the Daks I need.
Soo....we are going to Wisconsin Dells for the first week in October. Hopefully this time I'll remain concious during the day. Hahahaha. Okay never mind that wasnt funny. That was kinda a traumatizing exspirience for me. I look back on xanga when I was going through all those tests and junk and I still get the chills. But yeah I am very excited for that. I miss Wisconsin. The last time I went was when Adair came with us. That was good times.
I'll still be going to Turkey Run though and that makes me happy. Turkey Run was my favorite trip which is really weird because I despise camping. Maybe it's because it was my first Campus Life trip... I don't know.
Well that's enough of my earbashing I must go use the dunny. (You have to figure that one out on your own. bahahaha.)
See ya, shark bisquits!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
G'Day Mate: Australian Slang lessons with Noelle
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I had a fun day with Adair and her mom today. We saw a movie, Becoming Jane, and then went to Dollar Tree. I love that place. Then Adair's mom fed me food. And that made me happy. I got Kevin a great birthday present...muahahaha. Then I watched the ending movie to the Flight 29 Down series. It made me cry. Somberness. At least it wasnt sad crying it was happy that they got rescued and such. (But of course they're gonna get rescued.) It was a very emotional exspirience. Yep. Now I am sitting here. Writing. And listening to High School Musical 2 on youtube. Disturbing...
I've decided I am going to marry myself. bahahaha. Yes.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
(I miss my hammock.)
(I do!)
(I don't know why, but I found this insanely funny!)
(Tobie does that here.)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Honor Academy Part 2
I got an e-mail from Anthony Pitiol. He said that all I needed was the application fee and I'd be ready to start preparing for the road to next August. Mom and I paid the application fee. So... wow.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Switching Churches
when I get home I am looking for a different church to go to. I've said that before but I know it's time for me to move on now.
Homewood Full Gospel is good....but unfortunately it's in Homewood.
Then there's always the churches that my lovely friends go to but I want to be called to a church, I don't want to just go because a few of my friends go there.
VCC has been a wonderful chapter in my life. (For the most part) I have so many lovely memories from that place. I could tell them. I could write them down but I know that you wouldn't understand. (Except Shannah and Mom, of course.) But I just need to move on. I'm not getting anything out of it. I'm too caught up on who's there and if we're singing old songs or not. Every time I go I want to leave early and that is just not healthy. I am not growing. I went to two different churches, Homewood Full Gospel and my mom's church down here and I got more out of it from them than I've gotten from VCC for like six months.
Not to mention that I cannot take the gossip anymore. So much gossip and pettiness....and from a church.
This is going to be really hard for me. It'll be hard not seeing the people I love so much that I've known for ten years now. It'll be hard meeting new people. It'll be hard getting used to a new pastor and new people and new songs. Or maybe it won't... Maybe I'll feel at home right away. In 1998 when we decided that we were leaving the Nice Church for VCC I had these same sad feelings...what would happen to my friendships and all the fun memories? But look how it turned out! I have so many people who I have grown with... Randy Dawkins, he has always been here for me. Always. Christy, even if I'm not exactly happy with her right now. We have been so close. Joann, Julie Signorelli (Owens), Sara and Rich, and even the people that came in late in the game, Timmy Knight, one of my closest guy friends I've had, Jenny of course, Taylor Wilson. And of course Pastor Kerry...
It's going to be so hard to exsplain this to them. Part of me hopes that I can just slip out without them noticing for awhile. (They probaly won't...for a few months.) But I know I'll have to talk it over with someone or they'll all think I've gone to the other side and then rumors will start....and uggh.
Okay, I better shut up about that now.
I wish there was a way I could travel to Homewood every week. I really loved that church and felt like I belonged. I got so much out of the sermon...and it was about MONEY. It was about how I am rich. Yeah that sounds weird. But I am. Because I have more than I need while others in third world countries hardly have anything they need.
Pray for wisdom through this. I'm not turning back. I can't turn back. I don't belong there anymore. I don't want to choose a church that isn't right for me. I want to grow more and learn more without distractions and stupid drama.
The end.
I am done.
Friday, August 3, 2007
I miss Jason and Christy. But they hurt me. I don't think they realize to what extent they hurt me. I want to call Christy and talk to her about random funny things like I normally do but I can't. It's not the same. And I miss the Elishas. I am just so confused. Christy is like one of my best friends and know I don't feel like I can confide in her anymore.
This really stinks.
On a lighter note, here are some old pictures from my Mom's old job at the Valpo Boys and Girls Club:
Amberlyn is the lady in the middle. She was great.
That's the chicken man! (I mean Dave)
There's Viv on a computer.
Down there at the desk is Peggy, my favorite desk lady.
And that's Rick and Shannon.
I miss those times.
Great America September 2007, I went to Gurnee/Waukeegan/Wisconsin for the weekend and that made me very happy. Dad was on midnights so that kinda messed up his sleep making me get messed up on my sleep. We stayed at Ramada Inn in Waukeegan. There was a wedding going on...
Me: Hey Dad, while you take a nap can I go crash that wedding?
Dad: NO! How would you feel if someone crashed YOUR wedding?
Me: I'd laugh.
But I didn't crash it. I'm a good girl. So I said hello to my bed which was very comfortable then we went to Gurnee Mills to return shoes I had bought in May. Then we ate food. It was good. Then I looked around TJ Max. Dad didn't feel like staying longer after that though so we went back to the hotel. Dad took a nap and I drove around Waukeegan. It is scary to drive there...
I went to the Salvation Army and found an amazing amount of items that I wanted for only 6 dollars. I'll tell you all about them later.
Then I went to Walgreens, CVS, and Jewel so I could find a good Waukeegan shirt. I found it at Jewel.
Then I went back and watched a movie on our portable dvd player. That was fun. JASPER! ha. Then I explored the hotel alot. Yep I slept terribly that night....not because of the beds just because. Oh and when I woke up around 8 or 9 Mom called informing me that My ninty something year old Aunt Rose fell and broke her hip. She'll be in a nursing home now.
Then we went to Great America and met up with Aunt Julie, Uncle Don, Johnny, Danny, Chris, Samantha, and Kevin. I rode the teacups with Samantha and Kevin twice. Then I rode the train twice. Then I sat on a bench and talked to Adair. Great America just isnt doing it for me anymore. And now they might take out one of my favorite water rides, Splash Water Falls, out to put in Thomas Tank Engine land. I would be so ticked off!
They already have Cartoon Network land, Loony Toons, and now Wiggles World. And WIGGLES ARE DISNEY! Disney best be keeping their little paws off of my Great America. They would ruin it.
Yeah then I saw operation Spy Girl...
Then we went to Perkins to eat. That was good as always. Then I went in Woodman's. I went spastic. I'll put videos on here as soon as my usb cable comes. =) And now I am home. I have lots to look forward to.
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