Wednesday, November 21, 2007


It's the night before Thanksgiving and I have a million thoughts and memories going through my head. And I figure if I don't write them down I won't ever be able to share my philosophical side with you guys. Here's a question for you:

What do the holidays mean to you?

For children it most likely means presents. Lots and lots of presents. Toys that they've wanted for months.

For adults it's stress. They have to bake a ton of food, be responsible for making their children happy for the right gift, decorating their house perfectly with every single Christmas bow and piece of tinsel in the right spot, to wear the right clothes to parties, and the list will go on.

As a seventeen year old girl who no longer is thrilled by toys or presents and doesn't feel the stress that some adults feel I wanted to figure out where I stand with the holidays... So I've been thinking for awhile about all this and it's gonna all spurt out.

1.) I do not understand and cannot stand the way people commercialize Christmas. It's all about Santa. It's all about Christmas lights and exspensive gifts. I don't like the idea of selling Christmas. Now, I'm sure this has been happening for...Forever but I just recently figured out that I despise it.

2.) To me, Christmas isn't all about actual Christmas day. This year I won't be in Chicago for Christmas. There won't be snow. I'll be with my Mom and my sister in Jacksonville, Florida. At first I was really upset about this. But you know what is the difference between Christmas and the rest of the actual Christmas season. PRESENTS. And as I said, I do not give a flying monkey about presents. Christmas is a feeling of peace, and being with your family and friends that you love. It's fellowship.

3.) CHRISTmas shouldn't be all about the dumb presents or cookies. Material objects don't bring real joy and baked goods make you fat. It's about CHRIST. It's about the story of Jesus. I think sometimes we forget about this because we're so wrapped up in the materialisticness, the wordly thoughts on Christmas. We would not have Christmas if it wasn't for the fact that God loved us, the sinners, SO much that he sent his son down, knowning he would have to die for OUR sins. Yes, you've heard that story since...forever. But think about it. It's truely amazing.

This Christimas is going to be special. Because I have opened my eyes and see it in a whole new light. It's amazing what this sinful world can do to a girl's head.

Hoping that this all made some kind of sense,

Have a good Thanksgiving & a lovely Christmas.