Sunday, March 22, 2009


SO I'm going to be working at Sonshine Academy...a.k.a Victory Christian Center's daycare. This makes me very excited. VERY excited. Eight dollars an hour cash. Working with kids....its going to be awesome.
So here is my plan:
1.) Continue working at Imax also. (This will be my spending money for gas and other things)
2.) The money I get from the daycare I will save and build up my savings account.
3.) I will then apply for a credit card and use it wisely so I will have a good credit report and then be able to get an apartment.
4.) Get an apartment.
5.) ?
Short term goals my friend, short term goals....
I hope it all works out..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I loooooooove 50 degrees so much. I feel ill. I saw people today. Dustin specifically. I havent seen him in so long and that made me smile. I miss last year. I miss Whitney. I miss Lindsay. I miss Jakob. I always thought we'd keep in better touch. But we didnt. And that sucks.
Tomorrow I work 5-1 usher. That is yucky.
Saturday is Marks going away party.
Sunday I am going to church and than going out to lunch with Jenny. That is cool. After that I'm going to work concession. 3-9 which is even more yucky.
Monday is an employee meeting, and that scares the crap out of me because I have no idea whats going on.
Wed. I work 1-6 usher. And that isnt as yucky.
And then I will start it all over again.
I'm listening to Carrie Underwood right now. "I Know You Won't" That song makes me blue.
I really need to clean my car out.
I have to use the potty.