Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It's clear to see
Although the ground is crumbling under my feet
You're holding me in your gentle hands
You cripple the blow to my aching heart

Though it's hard to see the violets in the weeds
I will pour every hidden thought out to you
And I will be free

I am not rejected; 
I am accepted 

Take my dreams 
Turn them into your glory
I long to bring you honor 
With all of my life
Everything that I am

I will trust you
I know your love is my joy
And your joy will be my strength
Please be my strength

1 comment:

  1. I know this was written out of pain, but it is a great blessing to me and to know you are relying on the Lord when tough times come. You have a gift for writing. I hate being rejected even for things I really don't want. It's how we're made. Thank you for putting it in beautiful words. That is powerful that you wrote this because it is a big chunk of your healing.
