Today I was yet again reminded of God's faithfulness:
(April 9, 2010)
Dad and I walked around Woodman’s just like old times and I was reminded of the first spring that I fell in love with Wisconsin and the magicalness of the grocery store that held my precious windmill cookies and cinnamon flavored tick-tacs. Dad went back into the hotel to sleep while I drove around, took pictures, went to book stores, and enjoyed being in a world that was not my own.
I listened to the Christian radio station as I drove around town. For the first time I hear Francessa Battestelli’s “Beautiful, Beautiful “. The lyrics and the melody immediately drew me in, I applied them to my life.
Don’t know how it is You looked at me
And saw the person that I could be
Awakening my heart
Breaking through the dark Suddenly Your grace
Like sunlight burning at midnight
Making my life something so Beautiful, beautiful
You are so Beautiful, beautiful
After getting beautiful sunset pictures I returned to the hotel. My dad was still sleeping, so I pulled out my laptop to check my e-mail. There was one from Dan, the man that interviewed me for Phantom Ranch Bible Camp.
My heart sank, because I sort of knew what it was going to say.
They were already adequately staffed for the summer of 2010. I wouldn’t be needed. I wasn’t hired.
Now there’s a joy inside I can’t contain But even perfect days can end in rain And though it’s pouring down I see You through the clouds Shining on my face
Even though I faced immense disappointment, I knew that God was there and there was a reason that he had said no to Phantom Ranch. And after a few hours, I had peace about it.
And most of you know what happened next. Dean hired me at Timber-lee for the summer. And although the hallow disappointment hurt for awhile it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. At timber-lee I learned what it was to be loved by God. I learned what it was like to have good friends that love you and appreciate you for you genuinely are, the good and the bad.
I was just thinking about that today. And I was thinking about my recent disappointments...and I just know that even though things aren't great right now, I only have a part time babysitting job and I am still unsure of what to do with my life, I know that God is with me. This time is being utilized to write and to read the bible and to figure out who I am and how I can be the best person that I can be. And I am just so thankful for every thing. For everyone in my life that has helped me grown in one way or another and that God has me right where He wants me.
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