Monday, February 22, 2010


13 hours ago I did something that will change my life forever. I finally officially committed to the church I have been attending for two years now, Faith Church in Dyer, Indiana. Faith is larger church and they are a part of the reformed church of america, which is a big change from the denomination I was raised in. One thing I have learned though is, where you go to church and what denomination it is doesn't matter as much as whether or not you are being fed and growing.

Faith church has become such a special place in my heart and I am proud to call it my home. I know God has some great things in store for me. I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I don't know exactly which direction my life is going but all I can do is stay true to who I am, do what is right, and trust in Him.

I so look forward to growing there, meeting some people my own age and growing with them (once my thursday night class ends so I can finally go to Catalyst), and getting plugged in a ministry. I'm really thinking about volunteering in Treasureland because I miss babies!!! I miss little ones so much. I don't regret quitting the day care because I was literally going insane there but I do miss being around kids.

Meanwhile, as I go through this dry period, I speaking truth against the enemies lies and living my life so I glorify the Lord.

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