Friday, December 17, 2010

The Happy Hot Dog

Saddona, Sadstate was a sad, sad town. The town folk spent their days scrubbing toilets and picking up endless piles of dog poop from the groups of wild and unfriendly beagles that came through town multiple times a day. They ate nothing but Broccoli and spinach sandwiches. The never hugged their family members and they didn’t have any loveable furry pets. They all wore black trench coats and black socks with poorly crocheted black hats. The grass stayed an unhealthy brown and the trees were bare. It rained all the time and stayed a frigid temperature of 33.5 degrees.

But one magical day, an egg fell from the sky and into a soft bush full of barbeque sauce. The egg was small and a light shade of violet. It was bumpy to touch and smelled like cotton candy. The citizens all had an equal amount of hatred for barbeque sauce, so they never  noticed the unusual mystery egg.

The egg grew a little each day in length and finally, on the fourteenth day the precious egg cracked, and a hot dog was born. The hot dog was long and beautiful, he had smooth red skin and was wrapped in a fluffy tan and white bun. Immediately, upon opening his eyes, the rain stopped raining in Saddona, for the first time in forever.

Citizens working outdoors with the poo, stopped for a moment and took a long puzzling look at the sky. They didn’t understand. The gray clouds were rolling and a large yellow orb was revealed. They were shocked. They knew of the sun, but they had never seen it so bright and beautiful. They never saw the sky such a beautiful blue.

The grinning hot dog lifted himself up and peered at the inside of the pale purple shell. He was about 13 inches tall and had bony stick-like limbs. He walked the dreary sidewalks and instantly the grass changed from an ugly stale yellowish color and turned lush, soft, and green.

“MY NAME IS WINSTON, AND I LOVE LIFE!” the hot dog cried. He began to run all around Saddona and after an hour of running, the whole town was warmer, up to an unusual sixty four degrees. The town folk both picking up poop and scrubbing toilets were all outside, pondering the new climate for a moment. Even the beagles stopped running and pooping and looked up at the sky and at the beautiful grass. Flowers started popping up, Daffodils, tiger lilies, roses, and violets; Tulips, daises, Peonies and every other possible flower that anyone could ever imagine filled the town, making it look lovely and colorful.

Sadman Saddington, the town mayor, was puzzled and decided to call a meeting. All townsmen and the beagles came and sat in the town hall and waited for the mayor’s explanation. The mayor stood at the podium for a moment, still puzzled and trying to think of what he could say, when all of a sudden, Winston knocked on the town hall door.

An old man, named Don opened the wooden door and Winston burst in the room and skipped jovially to the podium. He hopped on top of it and screamed  at the people.

“I love life!”

Instantly, the beautiful joyfull hot dog brought smiles to the peoples’ faces. They looked at one another and grinned.
For the first time in their entire lives they felt overwhelming urges to hug their families. Even the beagles smiled, wagged their tails, and each of them found a family to be a part of. Children were laughing, women were giggling, and men were chuckling. They all high fived and started smacking each other joyfully with fish.

Winston laughed along with them and gave Sadman Saddington a fist pump. Winston then broke out in an upbeat peppy tune, and the whole town began to square dance. They danced until the wee hours of the night until they could dance no more. Instead of going back to their homes, they had a sleep over and slept comfortably on the town hall floor, talking about life until they fell asleep.

Things finally began to change in Saddona. No longer did the people have to pick up endless piles of poop. They decided that the toilets were clean enough and got real jobs. They followed their dreams and reached their potential. Families laughed and hugged each other often, they played games like twister every night instead of sitting alone in their rooms and reading the dictionary before bed time.

Meanwhile Winston the joyful hot dog continued to spread joy around the town. He laughed constantly and when he wasn’t proclaiming his love for life, he was writing songs about it and singing them to everyone he met.
At night, while the citizens slept Winston worked endlessly on knitting each of the members of the town a new outfit. Cheerful red shirts, bright pairs of yellow pants, and perfectly knit purple hats. He gave out the outfits every day and that made Saddona even more bright and sunny and joyful.

Mayor Saddington announced at the next meeting through his deep chuckle that Saddona would no longer be called Saddona and he would no longer be called Sadman Saddington. Saddona was now Joyston and he was now to be addressed as Sir Carl.

Each and every day there was a new joy discovered. Slip and Slides. Roller rinks. Snow. Changing leaves. Four leaf clovers. Hopscotch. Scrapbooks. Wool Blankets. Petting Zoos. Mattress Pads. Monopoly. Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Kittens. Beagle puppies. Roller Coasters.

One thing Winston showed the townfolk that they rejected, was new food. They were purely content with their broccoli and spinach sandwiches. Winston just shook his hot dog head, smiled, and screamed, “I LOVE LIFE!”

On one fateful day, an outsider came to town. She was on a road trip and got hungry, and was in search for a place to eat. It was eight p.m. and Winston was taking a nap in the barbeque bush. The hungry woman, whos name was callie, drove around Joyston and looked for a place that served something other than spinach and broccoli sandwiches. She almost gave up when she suddenly got a whiff of sweet smelling barbeque sauce.

She pulled over, enticed by the smell, and found the barbeque bushes. She peered down in them and saw the tastiest looking hot dog she had ever seen sleeping in a purple shell. She nudged the hot dog and Winston awoke instantly with a grin.

“Hi, my name is Winston, I LOVE LIFE.”

Callie grinned back at the tasty slab of meat and bun and got out her and mustard packets. She picked Winston up and he continued to smile, thinking she just wanted a hug.

She smeared the condiment on Winston.

“Gee, thanks, I’ve always thought I look great in yellow!” Winston started to sing one of his songs but before he could get to the chorus, Callie had bitten off his lower half.

Winston winced, wondering how he would skip after he had no legs, but his love for life overwhelmed the slight worry.
Callie continued to eat. Winston continued to smile. When Callie got to the last bite he cried out one last time, “My name is Winston, and I love-“
Callie chewed the hot dog, got in her car, and continued on to her destination.

The End.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It would be so much easier to quit. 

It would be so much easier to hide and run away from my problems. 

It would be so much easier to be alone. 

I don't trust anyone. 

I don't even trust myself. 

I feel like I'm going crazy. 

It's sad that I was the forgotten one. Now that I think about it, it seems like that's always how it was. I was always the after thought. 

Too quiet and passive to be considered one of the group. Too quiet and passive for them to even know who I am. 

I am crazy and fun and random and spontaneous. 

I am an emotional, sensitive person that takes every careless word to heart and picks each one of them apart, running them over and over in my head until I can't do it anymore. 

I care alot about people. I try to make sure everyone feels loved and included. Even when I don't like someone I try to be kind. Even when people are mean to me and dont like me, I try to be kind. 

I have opinions. I have feelings. Just because I don't always speak my mind, doesn't mean I don't have one. 

I am comfortable with the way I live. Jeans and tshirts. Regular old shoes. I like the occasional necklace or pair of earings or nice shirt or cute shoes...but I'm pretty much a simple girl. I hate materialism...Yet I window shop. I look at all the useless items in useless stores and I get disgusted every time. I don't even know why I go to places like just makes me sick. 

I want to help people. I want to see people. Not just walk down the street and pass them up without a thought. There are so many frowning angry sad lonely people out there and we can help just by making eye contact and smiling. Saying hello, how are you? 

Hearing how their day has been and really listening. 

Sometimes I think I've got it right...and then I see something in my life that I need to fix, that I need to work on. 

That's who I am...I've had a slight identity crisis since last year around this time. The hurt is still there. I'm up an down. I'm angry that I'm forgiving. I'm hurt and then I'm not. I'm inferior then superior. I can't take this anymore....
I hate this. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thoughts 12-4-2010

-I need a job.
-I've figured out that I'm going to just get an associates degree in general studies at Ivy Tech since I really have no idea what I'm doing. I want to work with kids but I don't want to be a teacher. I like writing but really don't want to be a journalism major. I like psychology but I don't want to be a psychologist.
- My dad is having surgery next thursday. He's going to be out of work for 6 weeks....I really, really need a job. So I can help out and buy groceries...and so we dont kill each other. 
- Vivvian and Emily are coming home soon! :)
- I miss Wisconsin already but don't miss certain aspects of it. I'm glad I moved back. I feel so much safer.
-I wish I could find a job exactly like my job at timber-lee. It would make life so much easier.
-I really don't like going to my church anymore. I was just there tonight. And I was just not connecting....and that makes me really sad.
-I don't miss my former church.
-I am really hoping to be able to go to school full time this semester.
-I don't want to be in a relationship for a looong time. I have a desire for it sometimes. But I am content being alone.
-I want to try a new church tomorrow morning.
-I wish I didn't have church issues.
- I need to clean my room. & I really need to clean my car,
- I miss my Wisconsin friends. But I'm soo thankful I have Adair Engel.
-I love the snow. I love winter. I wish I had a warmer winter coat. Some hats and gloves would be nice too....meh I will survive.
- I know God is in control and he has the plans for my life and all, but I feel like I'm floating in the air...only it's more like falling, like crashing, and I don't know when I'm going to safely land on the ground. I don't know where I'm supposed to be or what I'm supposed to do. Or how I'm going to pay for stuff. Cause I dont have a job. And I miss people. I want to be at a point where I am content. I have been wandering since 2008...I'm so confused about so many things.
-Christmas makes me happy but it also makes me disgusted in some ways.
-That is all. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile. I don't know why but there's something about xanga that is just more comforting than writing on facebook. Maybe because only a few people read this. I don't know. I've had this thing since summer of 2006 and I just cant seem to stop writing on here. Even if I don't write in it for awhile. It's like my comforting old friend. 

There's been a lot of changes in my life since I last really updated this thing in May. 
Summer was amazing. The first two weeks of staff training I kind of wandered, trying to find my place at the camp. I spent a lot of time alone, cause that is what I had been used to. My temporary roommate encouraged me to be social and I was at times. Working in the kitchen the first two weeks, I was not sure about it. I wasn't sure if I'd fit in with the summer staff that worked there. It wasn't until the first Sunday night dinner that we all worked, that I realized that they were good people. 

I lost my ring. The one Shannah gave me for my birthday/Christmas. It was my birth stone. I realized it was not on my finger after we were all done cleaning in the kitchen. I panicked. Searching my pockets, the apron pockets and pretty much everywhere I could think of in the kitchen. My friend Katie was convinced that I must have thrown it away. So she and my friend Emily actually got in the dumpster... and searched through bags of trash. Abby, Pat, Lauren, my roommate Sherra and I helped from outside the dumpster. My boss Dean came out from the kitchen. I thought he was going to yell at us for the dumpster diving, instead he got us some trash bags and some gloves. 

Note: This was when I knew I was going to have a good summer with good friends. :) 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 20th

I used to write songs...
I used to trust...
I used to not be so skeptical of everything
I used to be more passionate...

I dont know who I am anymore
I dont know who You are anymore.

I want to trust again
I want to grow
I want to move past all this

I want to know you

Last year someone that I used to be close with asked me what was wrong with me and what happened to the loveable kid that used to put prayer requests in for stray dogs.

I am not that kid anymore.
Too much has happened
With my parents.
With my church
With my faith
I've been through too much to stay the same as I once was.

But you know what, Im sick of this pity party.
It's been a continuous one since 2004
And Im done
Im ready to find myself again...
Only its not gonna be the same
Because everything Ive been through is only going to make me stronger
There is a change coming....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Colossians 3:13

It doesn't matter about who was right and who was wrong anymore...
It doesn't matter if you've forgiven me for things that I've done.
I am choosing to forgive. I am choosing to move past this.
We are both loved children of God and one day we will stand face to face before Him.
I want to stand before Him one day without an ounce of bitterness or resentment in my heart.
I am letting go.
I forgive you.

Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thoughts From A Long Day

I just worked thirteen hours at Timber-lee, most of it by myself.
This is good. Because I need money. But it is also bad, because while working by myself and doing tasks that don't require much thought, is dangerous.
I've been thinking a lot about last year. And all that I have lost. I quit my job and left my church... and lost a lot of friends. I was betrayed. I was blind sided and I was hurt. I lost trust in a lot of people. Sadly, my trust for Christians and Churches in general has dwindled. Between the way I was treated by the people that I basically grew up with and Honor Academy...I just have the hardest time trusting people. Even my closest friends. I am really weird about the churches I go to. I need to feel right when I'm there.
I've been thinking a lot about trust. I don't think I really truly trust anyone here on this earth. I tell people stuff....but I never tell them everything.... I can't. I've done that. And I was hurt.
Sometimes I really feel like I can't trust God. I want to. But really, this whole year....I've just been confused. I'm finding my way back to Him. I am. I'm learning who He really is...and who He is not.
I remember in March of last year...I read the book Crazy Love for my mini church at Faith Church. I only got up to about the third chapter...and it just made me re-examine everything that I was taught...everything I thought I believed...everything I thought about God. It was weird...and painful...but necassary. In a way I think I'm still going through that.... but I'm reading the book again. And I'm not reading it in the same way that I did last time....
I feel so different. I'm seeing new things...I'm trying to forget the old...
I have so much to do in this life.
And it doesnt matter where I live, what I do, how much money I make... all that matters is that I live out 100 percent for God. I want to start doing things that stretch me. I want to help people, & help them know Jesus.
If my life is this hard while I know Jesus, I cannot imagine what life is like for people that don't have a relationship with God....
I need to surrender everything to Him.
I need to trust in Him with EVERYTHING!
I need to let go, so I can move on, and be all that I can be for Him.
I need to stop being so selfish.
That is all. I need sleep.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Letter to the Kids

I still think about you. I still wonder how you are doing. It has been 10 months but I still miss you and still think about you.

I didn’t always show it. But I loved you so much. I would do things differently if it meant I could spend more time with you. I would have waited to say goodbye. And explain that I love you but would no longer be with you every day. I wasn’t always the best caregiver. I was tired. I was over-emotional. I was drained. And sometimes I wrongfully took my frustrations out on you.

I learned a lot about myself through you. I learned what kind of mother that I will be one day. I learned that I need to set boundaries when I have kids of my own. I can’t always give in to what you want. I can’t spoil you. But I know I will love. Because if I loved you as much as I did, I cannot imagine what it will be like to have kids of my own.

I wish I could have always protected you from the people who did not feel the same way that I did about you, the people that saw you as walking money bags. I knew you all so well. I knew how to get you asleep. I knew what your favorite colors were. I knew which toys were your favorites and I knew when you needed an extra hug because you missed your mom.

But after awhile I became so drained, and so tired, of the things about you that wore me out, that I lost touch with what it was all about. It was all about loving you and showing you Jesus through me. It was all about loving you when you didn’t get that love at home. It was all about love. Forgetting the things that frustrated me with co-workers and unfair bosses and knowing that I would be able to love you and be a good teacher regardless.

 I never meant for my emotions and actions to hurt you. I miss so many things about you. You were all so unique and special in your own ways. I can imagine the people that you will turn out to be. I miss the hugs and the silliness and the games we played.
I never really got to say good-bye. Not really. I had to give you my last hugs and end nine month relationships so abruptly. I think that’s why I haven’t gotten over it. Why I still miss you.

Overall, leaving was the best decision for me. I hope that I planted some sort of seed in your life. That you will look back one day and remember Miss Noelle, and what she taught you. How she loved you and took care of you.I pray that your lives are filled with love and happiness. That you learn about all the great things about life and find your place in this world. Above all,  I pray that you come to have a relationship with Jesus and learn to follow after Him. Because that is what is really important in life. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Thoughts 9-26-10

So I've been living in Wisconsin for nearly four months now. I can no longer sing the "I'm living in Wisconsin...but only in my mind." song. It's so weird. I love's just weird not having a place to go to get away from it all...I guess that that is home now. Weird.

Overall, I'm happy that I've moved.

Life is good here. I live two miles away from Timber-lee with a family that decided they trusted me enough to reside in their basement. I work four days a week and have the weekends off. I found a church that I really like. (Lake Land Community Church)  I have friends that are not too far from me.

It was a really hard transition at first. I don't know. I think it might help that I'm going home next weekend until Monday. I miss Dad, Shannah, J, and Adair sooo much but there's just nothing in that town for me except the job at the movie theater (bleh), a bunch of painful memories, and the horrifying chance that I will run into people that I am not prepared to see. (And that alwaysssss happens...because it's Portage and the only things to do are go to the movies, and walk around wal-mart...)

These last couple of months have taught me a lot about God and about life and friends...and relationships.

-God is so amazing. I feel like I'm learning more about Him every day. I can't really explain more than that.
-Life is's good...but it's hard. And the only time that it's gonna stop being hard is when I'm in Heaven. I've realized here, that there is nothing that can satisfy me. I always thought (or hoped) that once I moved to Wisconsin things would be sooo much better. And they are but life is still hard. My problems are still my problems there's just a change of scenery and I'm further away from my family. Nothing will satisfy..all my hopes and dreams for what I want to do with my life here...they don't mean a thing. I don't know what career I might choose. And I don't think it really long as I serve the Lord with my whole heart and live for Him...and be a witness to people. I could die tomorrow, without filling my dreams of getting married and having kids, and I would be fine with that.
-So after I graduated high school and all my friends left for college I don't think I've ever felt so lonely. And soon that loneliness became a normal thing. And I got used to it. I didn't need people. But it was cool when I did see them. Well, I went into Camp Timber-lee not really knowing what was going to happen but just happy that I would be getting out of my town for the summer and in Wisconsin for three months. I realized how much I missed having people around me. For the past two years I've always thought of myself as such an independent. Like...I could live by myself forever and it would matter to me...But I don't feel that way anymore. I realized how much I need people to be there for me, to hold, to love, the laugh with, and to build me up when I'm down. And I'm so blessed that God brought these people into my life. I can't imagine life without them now.
-Relationships. So this summer I almost got into something with a guy and I am so glad I didn't.  I realized what I want in a relationship and what I do not want. I'm not going to date just to date. When I decide to date someone it's going to be because I KNOW that he is someone that I can spend the rest of my life with forever. ( I've probably said this before...but it's different when you actually have the option of being with someone that you like too...) But yeah... I'm just waiting until God brings the right guy into my life...And when he does...I'll know. I think. Until then I'm content.

But yeah...thats my thoughts on this Sunday morning. God is good. Life is good. And now I really need to go and get ready for church. haha.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Untitled by Noelle & Adair

there's a storm in minnesota
there's a storm in kansas city
there's a storm in Atlanta...and a cake up in the pine tree!

there's a lamp on the counter
there's a monkey on my lawn
i just bought a brand new salsa dress
& I'm gonna have it pawned!

there's a dog in the cellar
something's growing on my toe!
a hobo's munching on potato chips
because his blood sugars getting low

there's an ambulance at applebee's

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thoughts 5-22-10

I miss babies. They're so innocent and love you despite your flaws.
10 days and I will be in East Troy, WI working at Timber-lee.
When I come home in August/September many things will change. :/
I miss Hayward.
I want a basset hound.
I am going to miss my cat so much while I'm gone.
I was a bad girl today and had two glasses of coca cola. Big glasses.
I know this is weird, but I still miss the hospital.
Lost is ending tommorow. That makes me kinda sad.
I hate Facebook so much.
The hurt I am feeling is rightful and I know the only way I am going to get through it is with the Lord's help.
Worship music is relaxing.
My cat stinks.
I cant do it without God. It would be impossible.

That is all.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Updates! Updates! Updates!

1.) I got a summer job at Timber-lee Camp in East Troy, Wisconsin. It's been almost a week since I've known and it still feels unreal. I think everyone knows that I've always wanted to somehow move to Wisconsin...and now it's kind of happening. It's so weird. But I'm so grateful that I got the job and the opportunity to serve there and meet new people. 

The whole winter/spring I just had a strange feeling that I wouldn't be here for the summer. I don't know what's going to happen all I know is that I am so excited and so blessed! 

2.) I am returning to Barnes, Wisconisn for four days. Not this weekend, but the next, Marilyn, her aunt (or Mory and Janell) are going to drive up because Marilyn's younger brother Mark is going to be up there to help Chris stain the deck. I can't explain how excited i am for that. It's been over a year since I've been there and it's going to be good to northern Wisconsin without snow on the ground. (Although its pretty with snow too.) I can't wait! I really can't. I love it up there!

3.) I'm finishing classes up this week. I'm very nervous about my term paper in English. I kind of threw it together because I am a world class procrastinator. I would be happy with a C so that I could just get a B in the class. I need to pass that class...It would be ridiculous if I didn't pass it. I worked so darn hard for it. 

4.) I am going to be once again leaving the Imax (obviously). I am not sure if I'm wanting to return in the Fall though. I might have a job watching a newborn baby in October and won't really need to work in I don't know. I kind of don't want to go back.

5.) It's good to re-connect with old friends. :) 

Altogether life is pretty good. I'm excited for what's to come!

P.S. My wisdom tooth is coming in and its killing me.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Updates 3-29-10

1.) It has been 5 months since I have been to Wisconsin....and I am missing it like crazy!!! I just need to get out of town! I had an evil plan to go today but woke up like a half hour ago because I was having dreams about giant dogs and pirates. Not to mention my car would probably die but I DONT CARE! I just want to get out of here. I want to go antique shopping, and go to woodmans, and sit by the lake in Lake Geneva. I need to buy some new shampoo- because I am almost out! 

2.) I have a bunch of stuff to do in my classes this week and haven't even started....sigh. Should be fun. 
3.) Looking back on my old xangas and stuff, I realize how prideful I was. I am just down right ashamed of some things I've written on here, and on other xangas. I am doing a lot of self discovery in these past few months. I am very sorry if I've said thing or done things that were offensive to anyone. 
It's like Matt 7:3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
So again, I am very sorry if I've come off as an elitist, arrogant, or stuck up. It's getting to the point where I can't even read my old stuff anymore. It makes me sick.
4.) I miss babies. =( 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Writing Stories With Brit and Em

Tyler Lentil is a lonely depressed college kid who lives with his mom and her pet goose, Marvin the twelfth. There is much tension in the apartment. Ever since Tyler's father, Willy was admitted into the mental institution for publicly eating a robin illegally Marvin started biting Tyler's fingers and toes angrily in the night. Tyler became forced to wear baseball mits on his hands and oven mits on his feet. Marvin only showed aggression toward Tyler but remained affectionate toward his mother, Johannah.

Tyler had never traveled out of Florida until a great catastrophe came upon his Grandparents in Mostacholigrain, Wisconsin. Their beloved bilingual dog, Charlie was accidentally murdered by Mayor Tiki Sinclair, who was so overecome with grief that he jumped off a building.. (A/N: Yes, I know, intense)

So Tyler went to the french speaking dog's funeral and despite the somber event, he fell in love Mostacholigrain, Wisconsin.

One day, in Winn-Dixie. Noelle as singing about mayonnaise while juggling oranges. She tripped on a pineapple and the oranges flew recklessly into the air onto an unexpecting Tyler, who is stroking a baby llama, who thinks Tyler is his grandmother.

Noelle passes out. When she wakes up there is a can of frozen broccoli that Tyler retrieved from the bathroom freezer on her head. The llama is staring at her while Tyler vigourously fans her with a pineapple.

"I hattte Texas!" Noelle moans.
"I hate Texas too," Tyler agrees. "BUT, I LOOOVE Wisconsin."

Two years later.....


Friday, March 19, 2010


I'm feeling a little bit like a fraud. I don't know whats wrong with me these past few days. It's like the fact that I only have a couple of close friends left is hitting me. I miss the old days. I miss feeling like a part of something. My mini church is great but I realized...I'm sharing my private thoughts with people who don't even know me and most likely will not know me because the mini church is temporary. I feel like when I talk they don't get it. I just miss the old days.

Everything's changed. I am not questioning whether Gods real or not because I know He is....I just feel something very weird with Him. I can't explain it. Like I pray and read the bible but I can't feel Him. I can't hear Him. And it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. It makes me feel like I'm not doing enough and that I'm not good enough. Which I know is ridiculous because I know that theres nothing I can do to make him love me more.

I just don't know whats wrong with me....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Letting Go

 Letting go-Its easier said than done. It's a process. Suppressed memories come back and then come new perspectives. 

It's hard to truly let something go when you let it be your first priority. 

It's like, we call on anything BUT God for help when we are hurting. We go to music, alcohol, sleeping pills, and people. 

When in the background God is gently saying, "Call on me!" 

I've changed my priorities and the Lord will continue help me to process and let things go that I never even knew I held on to.  

Thursday, March 11, 2010

so I woke up this morning, and I realized something. 

I am happy.
I am over it. Well, as over it as I can be.
I think it was babysitting for Kam, CJ, and Kiana.
And the fact that I'm reading Francis Chan's Crazy Love. 
And my new mini-church. 
No matter how I replay the things that happened in my head, the ending will remain the same. 
No matter who was right and who was wrong God loves me and knows my intentions there. I've recognized the problems I did have with my bitterness there, and I've let them go. 
God loves me. 
I love my new friends/prayer partners in the mini church.
I forgot what it was like, to be able to be held accountable with people. 
I am happy
And I am looking forward to whatever God has in store for me. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I havent been doing much lately. Going to school, babysitting, and working. But there's periods where I dont do anything for days. And I love it. I think its to make up for my lack of rest for nine months. I am still dealing with replaying things that happened in my head over and over again. It hurts either way I look at it. And then there's times that I wonder if I was the problem. Self-doubt. But no, I know that I did my best there and I've tried to talk with the people that have hurt me and it didnt work. I've done all that I can do. I just want to be over it. I want to fast forward to a time in the future that I don't care anymore. 

I know thins is going to be harder than most of the things I've dealt with. This is up there with my mom leaving and my dad's hooker situation. I was hurt by people that I trusted and grew up with. It's going to take some time. 

I am the type of person that invests herself in things so much that when something happens it hurts me deeply. 

I dont know what I did wrong. I dont know why they thought it was ok to treat my friend the way they did and then expect me to take their side. I dont know why they think it's ok to treat people like they do because they're in leadership at the church.

They were such a big part of my life and to be ignored and blindsided just ruins every great memory I had with them. 

I need to forgive. I need to heal. I need some prayer. Please. Whoever reads this. 

Monday, February 22, 2010


13 hours ago I did something that will change my life forever. I finally officially committed to the church I have been attending for two years now, Faith Church in Dyer, Indiana. Faith is larger church and they are a part of the reformed church of america, which is a big change from the denomination I was raised in. One thing I have learned though is, where you go to church and what denomination it is doesn't matter as much as whether or not you are being fed and growing.

Faith church has become such a special place in my heart and I am proud to call it my home. I know God has some great things in store for me. I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I don't know exactly which direction my life is going but all I can do is stay true to who I am, do what is right, and trust in Him.

I so look forward to growing there, meeting some people my own age and growing with them (once my thursday night class ends so I can finally go to Catalyst), and getting plugged in a ministry. I'm really thinking about volunteering in Treasureland because I miss babies!!! I miss little ones so much. I don't regret quitting the day care because I was literally going insane there but I do miss being around kids.

Meanwhile, as I go through this dry period, I speaking truth against the enemies lies and living my life so I glorify the Lord.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Things That Bring Out the Beast In Me

#1 People who can't see that they have a problem, and push aside problems they do see with a fake smile and some superficial laughs.
#2 People at work who come in and order the entire menu. People at work who are rude. People that complain to me about the prices of the food and drinks and try to get me to give them something free when I dont make the rules, I JUST FOLLOW THEM!
#3 Sickness. In all forms.
#4 My car.
#5 The fact that I havent been to Wisconsin in 107 days.
#6 The fact that half my family lives in Florida.
#7 Fake people.
#8 The fact that my cat is in Munster and I really want to cuddle with him right now.
#9 Waking up early.
#10 Jerks.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


\1.) Today is my last day at the Imax. Again. 
2.) Starting tomorrow I will be taking care of a woman  who had a stroke full time. 3.) I feel extremely out of place because almost all of my friends are either liking someone, dating someone, or getting married to someone. I don't know. I want to meet someone. I'm ready...but its ok if its not time yet. I dont want to push anything. I want what God wants and if God wants me to be single for awhile then so be it. 4.) Shame on me for trying to share my feelings and thoughts with someone and expect to get some kind of response. That was my fault. Some people just see what they want to see. But there was a serious problem and what I want is an apology or some recognition but I see now for sure that that is not going to happen. So I'm done. I'm done with those people. I'm done with that place. I could never see them again and I would be perfectly fine with that. It makes me want to vomit just thinking about it. I know I was a hard worker. I'm not going to let their words echo through my head anymore. I'm done.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


There is a small town called Barnes tucked behind the city of Hayward in northwestern Wisconsin. My friend’s brother Chris owns a log cabin on the lake. The cabin is decorated with a rustic theme and is comforting in all senses. There’s a stone fireplace for the winter months and some lounge chairs on the wraparound porch for the summer months. Chris’s wife Debbie is always cooking something that smells amazing and tastes delicious, whether it is cookies or corned beef. There are two friendly basset hounds to keep you company, along with a little dachshund. At night the stars are incredibly visible, for lack of steel mills and factories in the area.

The house is filled with the sounds of oldies music or the news lightly playing in the background. If the radio and television is off there is such a peaceful quiet that permeates in the room that you can hear the sound of squirrels sneaking up the porch to get to the bird feeder, birds chirping, or in the winter the sound of heavy snow falling from the tall pine trees.

On one wintery Friday afternoon I was waiting patiently to hear from my friend Marilyn on whether or not we were going to make a trip up to Barnes, Wisconsin. The plan was to take her son’s car up so that her brother Chris could help trade it in for a newer model but it all depended on whether or not they would be able to get a loan. As I drove through Munster, anxious about if we were going I got a message from Marilyn on my phone and it read: Road Trip! About two hours later our bags were in the trunk, Nakita, the German Sheppard mix was in the back seat, and we were ready to go.

The road trip from Munster, Indiana to Barnes, Wisconsin is a long eight hours. Marilyn and I talked for the majority of the car ride. When we reached the oasis before the state line I took the driver’s seat and it started to snow a little bit. By the time we reached Tomah I couldn’t stand the intensity of the snow and the exhaust fumes flung at me while we were on the highway. We pulled over at a gas station and I went back to the passenger seat for the remainder of the ride. Our conversations were both meaningful and goofy. We made up stories from the names of Wisconsin towns, such as Jim Falls, Pigeon Falls, Eau Claire, and Rice Lake. We couldn’t find a radio station that wasn’t Country or Talk.

Finally at three a.m. we arrived in Barnes and were greeted by the two loveable basset hounds Cartman and Leinie and Polo the little dachshund dog and a very drowsy Chris. We crashed in our beds in the basement and then before I knew it, it was the morning and Marilyn and Chris were getting ready to take the car up to the Duluth car dealership.

I stayed back by myself at the cabin to watch the dogs. I absorbed the peace of the quiet secluded cabin and ended up being alone all day and night because Marilyn and Chris ended up at the casino in Duluth. I watched episodes of One Tree Hill, took the dogs for walks, and watched the snow fall from the porch. All four dogs accompanied me in bed when night came. Despite the wonderfulness of the cabin a gloomy dreadful feeling penetrated through my heart. The next day we were supposed to go back to Indiana and I didn’t want to go home.

The next morning I woke up at ten thirty and knew something was off because we were supposed to leave early and it would take us at least an hour or two to get going. Marilyn came into the room and let me know that she called off work on Monday and that we were going to stay an extra day. Debbie was gone on a business trip so Marilyn made some pancakes and sausage for us.

We spent the morning eating the delicious breakfast and watching the fire that Chris made crackle while listening to the oldies station. Marilyn and I walked down to Bony Lake with the basset hounds and Nakita and walked across the frozen lake. After that we got into the car and headed to Duluth, Minnesota so I could say that I’ve been to Minnesota. It turned out to be much more than that. The snow was coming down just as much as it was the night we drove up. It was a pain to drive in but it was so beautiful. We only made a couple of stops in Duluth, one at a grocery store and another at a craft store. I took a lot of pictures of the snow covered houses and downtown Duluth. The town is filled with beautiful old buildings, big hills, and friendly people. If I didn’t love Wisconsin so much I would probably want to move to Minnesota.

We stopped to get a bite to eat at a small restaurant once we were back in Wisconsin and then headed back to the cabin. Chris and Debbie were staying out that night so Marilyn and I ate our dinner and pretended like it was our house. I wrote stories on my laptop and she watched some TV. It was the perfect evening.
The next day we left around noon. I was so indescribably sad to go home. Being at Bony Lake, even for just two days once again changed my outlook on life. Time stood still, and suddenly I wasn’t worried about shopping malls, the city, my problems with friends and memories of past traumatic experiences. It’s secluded and isolated, yet, somehow, it seems like life is supposed to be as simple as life is up there.

Monday, February 8, 2010


(A writing prompt prompted this.)
Passion can be a deep true love for someone or something. Passion leads to devotion. Passion can make you feel ambitious and brave. It makes you persevere. It flows from the top of your head to the tip of your toes.Sometimes it makes you do things that aren't considered normal. Dangers of passion: Sometimes you neglect  your family or friends for your passion.
I wish I had more passion. I wish I had something that made me excited to wake up in the morning. I can think of a couple things that should make me passionate. However, it feels like Im sinking into myself and Im slowly losing everything that I once was passionate about.I'm starting to be more and more apathetic each day...
I need this to change. Like now.
That is all.

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Life is interesting. You think you know people, and the you find out you don't know a thing about them.
You think one thing is the right direction for your life, and then you find out it's not.
I never thought I would go to college. I NEVER thought I would be going to college. It was just something that I wasn't interested in. But then I started working at Sonshine and I realized that there's no way I could be there or any other place like that for the rest of my life. I didn't get that great of grades in high school...but I think this will be different. I can just feel it. I'm going to go to the campus to study on days that I'm not working. (That way I don't get distracted.) I can get tutoring if neccasary. They have a free gym at the campus. It is just so weird how everything worked out.
I was in a situation where I felt stuck, I was overworked. I was stressed out ALL the time. There was no way that I could have worked at the daycare and keep up with school. No way. The week before I quit I cried out to God on my break one afternoon. I told Him that I didn't like the way my life was going and etc.. and I just felt like something was coming. And all the steps were so easy... 
So yeah, I am back at the Imax. It is so weird. Nothing has changed much. I still do most of the work. But I like working with some of the people. I have hope for them. I just hope that I can be a light. I don't want my sour expiriences with Christians make me sour. I want to move past all the crap in my past... I am becoming a member of my church on January 13th (my birthday). I have high hopes.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Time for my yearly's one day late...and I normally do this on xanga but let's face it, xanga is dead.


My first couple of weeks at the Imax. I kind of hated it. But yeah then I started to like it after awhile. My dad was being dumb and his girlfriend was with us for like a week. That's when I went to Aunt Mares and discovered Lost, one of my favorite shows. I was spending the night at her house and I decided to just watch the pilot. Then the next day she found me the next day 3/4 of the way into the season. January 30th was the craziest day of 2009. *At the time. Some days in December may have beaten that day but that's a whole different post.


Wasn't really all that different than January. I worked at the Imax, applied for jobs, watched Lost, ate chocolate covered pretzels, bought useless items with my Dad's guilt money that he gave me. I went to Bony Lake with Aunt Mare. I love bony lake...sooo much. Adair, her mom, her brothers, and I went to Michigan to hug a tree. We also took pictures in a cute house.

I had one really bad night at work that month. It was bad and good. Kind of. Hard to explain. But there's a reason why I am back at the Imax. It's just not salty enough.


Kept working. My dad stopped dating the 20 year old. Hurray! (But then his new obsession was home security...ugh.We'll get to that later.)

Started working at Sonshine.


Realised that I was losing my Grandpa Joe. I wrote him a letter, because I never had the courage to go and see him in the hospital. I never gave it to him. I even tried to drive out to see him but I got lost and ended up in Harvey. Then I went back on 94 west and went to Milwaukee.

I was struggling with working two jobs. It was really stressful because there was nothing consistant.


The secound week in May I lost my keycard for work at the Imax for the four millionth time and decided that I needed to resign. It was just too much.

I was so sad to leave though. I made some good friends. I had good times. For some reason the day after my last night I was just so intensely sad. It didn't make any sense. Becaue half the time I hated it.


Vivvian left early during her three week visit. That killed me. It didnt help that I was working 10 hours a day that week she was here. I was so cranky by the time I got home. I was mad at my dad. I don't thinking I've ever been so mad in my life. I whipped my phone at my dash board while I was driving I broke the phone...and part of my dashboard. My anger shocked me.

After Viv left I bought Kenny from petland in rebellion (and loneliness). He's the best and the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Hahahaha!

My Grandpa died on a Thursday night. I never got to say good-bye. The next day at work I was struggling not to fall apart. The following Monday was the funeral and was the saddest funeral I've been too. He was the best Grandpa in the world. He loved the Lord, he prayed with me, he inspired me. I love him and I can't wait to meet him up in heaven. I miss him so much.


"Sometimes I amaze myself. Not in the way like, "Oh I am so amazing!" Or anything.

It just amazes easily I forget that GOD is ALWAYS on my side. That he loves me and has a plan for me. It makes me so mad that I forget that I have him to turn to when I am feeling inferior. He knows what he is doing. I am not going to lead an ordinary life. I refuse." -I had to put this up. I wrote this in July and I think I needed to be reminded of that again.

July was ok. I worked. I went to Wisconsin with my Dad a couple of times. We discovered the renaissance faire.

It was kind of a boring month.



Same as July. But then I went to Florida and hung out with my family there. I did next to nothing the whole time I was there and I relished every minute of it.


When I came back to Indiana I went back to work for a week and then that weekend was probably the worst weekend I have ever had. I was having a horrible time breathing. I was dizzy. I was wheezing. I threw up phlem. It was sooo darn scary. On Sunday morning I got in the car. I wasn't sure if I should drive myself to church or the hospital (or the gas station to get chocolate.) I didn't make it anywhere. I ended up laying in my car for hour. That's how weak I was. Finally in the afternoon I ended up talking to Emily's mom and she said she would take me to the doctor. (My dad wouldn't because...well he thought it was just another cold that I got from working at the daycare...but I could totally tell it was worse than that.)

Mrs. McGrath took me to the hospital. I was admitted to Porter Memorial with double phnemonia. It was so weird because I had never been admitted in the hospital. I got well enough to go home after four days. I was still feeling like crap though. I did pretty much nothing for four days and then that following thursday I went back to work...even though I still felt like crap. For like two weeks after that I still felt the symptoms. It was not fun.

I got really depressed about the hospital bills...and other stuff.


Was the month of Brooke White and Wisconsin stuff. I drove to Gurnee and went to Great America. I drove to Lake Geneva. It was great. But kinda nerve racking. Because my car is old.


Dad and I got in a fight. I moved in with Emily for awhile. Then I moved into an apartment that was vacant. It was kinda cool. But kinda creepy living alone. Kenny wasn't even with me. That was a dark month. But I did decide to go to school.

Thanksgiving I had the worst case of the stomach ever. I can never eat chili again. :(


I moved out of the apartment. I quit my job and went back to the Imax. It's so weird. It feels unreal. Viv came to visit.

Not much else to say but that I found out whats real and whats not.


2009 I learned some necassary lessons about money, working, and stuff. It has really been a crappy year. But at least I learned stuff.

Like that no matter what people say or do for you, God is always the only one I can depend on. I've decided that I want a job that I can work alone in...just be responsible for myself. I am so tired of being the scapegoat. I am going to try harder to stick up for myself and not be so passive.

To be honest, I am really having a hard time. My heart is aching. I'm hurt. I am trying to trust and believe but it is SO hard. I believe God has something better for me and that he knows what he's doing. I just need to trust in him to take care of me. He always has and he always will.

Here's to 2010. Hopefully it doesn't suck as bad as 2009.