Tuesday, April 21, 2009

For Grandpa Joe

Dear Grandpa,
Hi, it's me, Noelle. You can't read this right now because you're in a hospital in Chicago. And apparently you aren't doing so well. I'm not doing very well either. I feel horrible that I didn't visit you as much as I should have. I want to be able to say good-bye to you but if I can't, well, this will be my good-bye.
My earliest memories of you are in your old house & your apartment with your parakeets. "Get Mona!" You'd always say to him. I would watch in amuzement as the bird pecked at "Mona". I loved visiting you every weekend. It was such a special moment. Now it's even more special thinking back.  I remember playing uno, with my family, you, and Aunt Theresa & Uncle Kevin. And the doll I got from you one Christmas. I have torn up my house looking for that doll...I want to hold it and smell the powdery fresh smell, so that maybe these memories will become more vivid. But I can't find it...I can't find any of the old things you've given me! I can't even find a picture of you to hold close to my heart.
Anyway, the years went by and you met Sylvia. She changed alot of things about you, including that old apartment. But I know you loved her. And I'm happy you got to spend those five years with her.
Junior year I had an assignment to interview an old war veteran. I chose you. We talked on the phone over it...I was in my bathroom. I was so grateful my teacher assigned that for us because I got to know you so much better. I'll never forget some of those stories. Now I appreciate that more than I did at the time.
There are little things that make you so special. The way you say "Oh boy!" Your laugh. Your caring heart. Your faith, especially.
I can't really say much else, but I love you. And I hope I can see you again and read you this letter.

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