Wednesday, December 24, 2008

ABC's of Me

- Available: not really
- Age: 18
- Annoyance: um being woken up early
- Animal: cats
- Actor: Denzel Washington

- Book: Bad Connection
- Birthday: Jan 13th
- Best friends:
- Brand of cell phone: nokia t-mobile
- Body part of opposite gender: hair, eyes
- Best feeling in the world— being with people that I love
- Blind or deaf: I'd choose blind. I couldnt live with out music.
- Been in love: no
- Been on stage: yeah
- Believe in Ghosts/ spirits: no ghosts. holy spirit.
- Believe in Evolution: no

- Car: I dont care. As long as it runs and gets me to wisconsin
- Crush: "I'm crushing your head. Crushing your head!"
- Candy: ew
- Cd: Wide Eyed, In This Life
- Color: I dont care.
- Cried in school: multiple times
- Chocolate/ vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: food? chinese.
- Country to visit: Italy, Austraila, England

- Days of the week: I like Mondays. Yay One Tree Hill.
- Diamonds or Pearls: I think diamonds are prettier. But I dont really care...
- Dream car: Porsche- um, a new one that has good gas mileage?
- Dance in the rain: Havent done that in years.

- Easiest person to talk to: Um, I dont know. I feel like I have to be careful of what I say to every person I talk to.
- Eggs: come from chickens, and other versions of poultry
- Eyes: help people see things
- Everyone has to: go fly a kite.

- Favorite month: October.
- First Crush: Anthony Hatfield. lol.
- First thoughts wakiing up: Vivvian, get off of me.
- Food: is good.
- Full Name: Noelle Joi Clairissa Stein Curran

- Graduated: june 8, 08
- Greatest Fear: That I wont make a difference.
- Giver or Taker: Giver.
- Gum: is ok
- Get along w/ your parents: no comment
- Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears

- Hair Color: Brownish
- Height: 5’ 10 ish
- Happy: is a good feeling?
- How do you want to die?: not painfully
- Hate: is safer than love. (that was the first thing that came to mind)
- Hugs or Kisses: hugs are cool

- Ice Cream: is ok
- Instrument: basoon
- Insecurity: sucks
- Jail: would totally suck
- Jewelry: is stupid
- Job: somewhere in wisconsin

- Karma- doesnt exsist
- Kids: are cool
- Kickboxing: is cool for people who like kickboxing
- Keep a journal: yes

- Last Kiss- n.a
- Love: covers a multitude of sins
- Letter: Z!
- Lipstick or Lipgloss: neither
- Lion or Lamb: lambs are cuter
- Laughed so hard you cried: um never
- Longest car ride : to Florida
- Love at first sight: no

- Mooned anyone: no
- Most missed memory: lake geneva, 2006
- Marriage: would be nice one day, if I meet the right person
- Motion: ?
- McD’s or BK: McD's
- Morning or Night: Night

- Number of Siblings: 2
- Number of Piercings: 2
- Number of toes: 27
- Number of Tattoos: never
- Nickname: um, idk. too many

- Overused Phrases: lately: "I've got so many problems."
- One wish: to move to Wisconsin
- One Phobia: arachnophobia-phobia. hahah
- One Regret: being so passive

- Place you’d like to live: Wisconsin
- Perfect pizza: Caponies
- Pepsi/ Coke: Dr. Pepper
- Pets: none
- Pet Peeves: idk
- Part of your appearance you like best: my eyes
- Part of Personality: um, Im nice.

- Quote: "I've got so many problems" "Nothing that can't be solved by staring at a lake."
- Quick or slow: slow
- Questionarres: are cool when you are bored

- Reason to cry: death, and sad things
- Reason to smile: um because Jesus loves you
- Reality T.V.: American Idol
- Radio Station: 105.3 the fish. =)
- Roll your tongue in a circle: thats fun

- Shoe Size: 11
- Salad dressing: peppercorn ranch
- Slept outside: yeah
- Seen a dead body: yes
- Skinny dipped: no
- Shower daily: yeah
- Sing well: mhm
- Stuffed animals: I love my monkey
- Sports: are cool for people who like sports
- Song last heard: Lost- Faith Hill
- Season: Fall
- Shoes: Whatever is at payless
- Single or Group Dates: i would probably like group dates...
- Strawberries/ blueberries: blueberries
- Sweet or salty: depends on my mood.

- Time you woke up: 9:00
- Time it is right now: 9:45
- Time you wish it was: 2010, maybe by then I'll be out of here.
- Time for bed: 2 or 3
- Thunderstorms: are cool sometimes
- TV: is a few feet away from me
- Touch your tongue to your nose: no

- Unpredictable: somewhat
- Under your bed: dont have an under the bed

- Vegetable that you despise:dont really have one
- Vacation Spot: WISCONSIN
- Voting: is a good thing

- When you grow up: i want to be far away from here
- Which one of your friends acts most like you?: noone
- Wish on stars: no
- Who makes you laugh the most: um...
- Worst feeling: chang
- Worst habit: um,
- Where are you going to travel to next: my grandparents to open gifts
- Worst weather: gloomy, rainy, cold fall days

- X-rays: help doctors see things
- X-cited: x

- Year you were born: 1990
- Year it is now: 2008
- Yellow: bird

- Zoo Animal: red panda
- Zodiac sign: horoscopes are stupid

1. Slept in a bed beside you: vivvian
2. Saw you cry: dad
3. You went to the mall with: i dont even remember
4. you went to dinner with: with shnnah
5. you talked to on the phone: shnnah
6. made you laugh: um, sandra bullock

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